

单机游戏 DEATH酱-殷酱 - 2
中篇解谜悬疑游戏。 最后审核由 龙姐 UID:1

极限脱出9小时9人9扇门+极限脱出善人死亡 中篇解谜悬疑游戏。

善人死亡这个屑建模,真让人难以看下去。 还算是不错的游戏,就是里面有些解谜简直是折磨。


“極限脱出 9時間9人9の扉”由日本游戏品牌“チュンソフト”制作并于2009-12-10发售的ADV作品。

Nine people have been kidnapped by a mysterious person called Zero and are forced to participate in a survival game called the “Nonary Game”.

Each player has a bracelet numbered 1–9, which they must use to pass through doors numbered 1–9 to reach the exit before 9 hours run out and the ship in which they are in sinks. Various puzzles must be solved in order to advance through the ship and reach the exit, while uncovering the mysteries behind the Nonary Game. 

“極限脱出ADV 善人シボウデス”由日本游戏品牌“チュンソフト”制作并于2012-02-16发售的ADV作品。

Extreme Escape Adventure: Good People Die, a visual novel adventure game, stars Sigma who wakes up in a warehouse after being kidnapped. Sigma must then play a series of games with eight other people in order to escape alive. Extreme Escape Adventure is described by the developers as a game of betrayal.

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