
All the content comes from the public reference information provided by the sharing site.
If there is copyright violation, please notify the author to delete it.
3、 萌域为免费网站,为非盈利站点,本站所有内容仅供学习和研究使用。本站提供的所有资源,均为网友私人收藏性质,未经原版权作者许可,任何人不得擅作它用!请在下载24小时内删除!为尊重作者版权,请购买原版作品,支持你喜欢的作者,谢谢!
4、 萌域提供的资源全属于免费公益网站,仅提供给网友欣赏与交流,在未得到原作者认同的情况下,不得将下载的动漫资源作为商业或其它末得作者同意的用途。
DMCA Complaints / Abuse Reports
DMCA Complaints / Abuse Reports should be sent to us via email at : admin@imoe.org
Complaints must include the following:
- Description of the copyrighted material claimed to have been infringed upon
- URL of the offending contention
- Declaratory statement stating this material is not being used in a manner consistent with Fair Use, and that the material has not been authorized for reuse by the copyright owner
- Name, address, telephone number and email address of the agent representing the copyright holder or the copyright holder themselves
- Under potential punishment for perjury declare that you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner and that the claim as represented is factual.